How Posture Can Help Improve Mental Health Life Style?

Abdul Aziz
4 min readOct 9, 2020


Improve mental health is a necessary part of a well being. Moreover, the improvisation of mental health comes with many factors.

One of them is our body posture. In this article, we will see about the body posture impacts on our mental health.

Maintaining a good posture is a very crucial one but many of us simply ignore to care about our posture. Due to our robotic life, we never pay our attention to this posture maintenance.

It reflects its adversities only at an old age. Now a day many young people earlier meet the fatigue and back pain only because of the improper maintenance of posture.

Good posture maintenance is very essential for our physical appearance. Many of us thinking improper sitting is the only reason behind our bad posture.

It may be the major factor but also the food habit, lack of exercise all are supportive factors easily worse our body posture.

From morning wakeup until our sleep our body undergoes multiple postures. Why maintaining a posture is so important?

Both physical fitness and mental health are interrelated with our well being. Only a good posture ensures proper bone alignment, blood circulation.

The body feels its energy and relaxation of muscles only if we maintain a good posture. In this article, I will explain five easy ways of good posture and its benefits.

Good Posture Improve Mental Health and Our Mood

Obviously, physical appearance plays a major role in our social life. When we have a good posture it offers some energy and easily showcases our confidence.

According to research the improvisation of the body postures improve brain functionality. An individual with tall, confident, and straight posture denotes as “Power Posture”.

Individuals with poor posture will not be easily selected for the decision-making profession. Not everyone is tall and there is no place to showcase our inner abilities.

But maintaining a good posture gives a better outlook. Moreover, we will love ourselves and encourage ourselves to create a good mood.

Simply changing the sitting style as straight and often check our position if we lower at our desk just change it as straight and proud.

Posture Improve Mental Health For Brain’s Blood Flow

Most people not following the proper position while at their work desk. As a result, it ends with the backache.

Not only the backache the improper position will easily block the proper blood circulation of our body. So, many parts will lack the blood circulation.

Step by step our body feeling weak and not responding as fast as before. Later the mind also coherently shows a poor response.

The concentration on the work and focus on other things will become a difficult task. Being a lazy and sluggish attitude towards works are more familiar.

So, stress, tension may occur easily. Hence, maintaining good posture and being smart at your work possible with good posture.

Good Straight Posture Makes More Friends

Communication and working interactions are inevitable in our daily life. People like the confident and energetic individuals.

Those individuals easily interact with other persons. They seem to be very straight and facing the people is a default in their body posture.

So, many people mentally ready for listening to them by their active postures and the inviting style of attitude make more friends.

Simply being a straight posture and smile will easily attract a stranger and create a friendly way to approach you without any hesitation.

All these are not possible with the improper postures. Maintenance of posture will be more important for your socialization too.

Posture Will Improve Mental Health and Your Confidence

Comparing to the normal sluggish sitting and walk the straight posture of our body offer confidence. It is not a strange thing.

At our schools and colleges the straight posture students giving better presentations than the normal posture guy.

While raising the chest and uplifting our shoulder will easily increase the blood flow and the individuals feel some brisk and confident.

This posture is familiarly known as an “expensive posture”. Youngsters and the individuals who have this posture obtain with more self-confidence.

It’s clear that being self-esteem and confident personality starts from our stable good posture. Be straight!!!

Good Posture Results in Work Productivity

While our exams, semesters, and other long term writing process lying n the bench and writing seem to be a comfortable one.

But naturally, it is not as good as we think. Indeed it will slow down our writing and we will take much time to write the known idea.

Being straight and active posture often reminds and boost us to complete the work as fast as we can. So, try to follow this straight posture at the exam.

According to the research, a good posture student can write three more pages than a student who writes the exam with lying comfortability.

Finding the proper desk as per your height, sit straight, and placing the feet on the floor will be the right procedure for writing.


Good posture not only important for your professional life; it extends to our everyday activity. So, try to change as soon as possible.

At initial it may feel to be harder will not offer sophistication but try to maintain a good posture without any additional support.

Obviously, the change of the posture will offer a good result in your overall performance. To be free from stress tension and body ache it is the only way.

So, try to pay much attention to your working posture to maintain good health with more longevity.

Hope these ideas are too simple but we are not enough aware of it. So, I hope after this read you will change your posture and be active and smart in your work.

All the best!

